Friday, October 26, 2012

Facebook: UnLike

A number of people have asked me today to weigh in on this article from Dangerous Minds that went 'viral' this week in the Social Media sphere, so I'll try. Richard Metzger is undeniably angered and frustrated by what Facebook has done by forcing the sponsored posts business model: 

“I despise it.” Hear that beleaguered holders of Facebook stock? That kind of talk would make my blood run cold. How many companies can you name that you actively despise?
For online publishers who depend on “page views” to sell advertising against—and who have invested considerable time and effort courting Facebook fans—the company’s new policies are particularly galling: Imagine losing 85% of your inventory and then being asked to pay a daily king’s ransom—more than it’s even worth to you—to get it back!
Netflix was only trying to soak you for another $6 a month, not starve you to death!
First, for the $2000 Dangerous Minds spent on promoting this article, I believe they certainly got their money's worth considering the reach this has had already and is still going strong. Obviously they can't afford that cost on a daily basis however, but in this instance it worked quite fine actually.

Second, Facebook is 'free' for the majority of us, and one side of me says that nothing is ever free and therefore these changes should have been expected someday - maybe just not to such exorbitant rates. (I won't get into Big Data in this article and its value.) As mentioned in the article, the pricing scale needs to be adjusted and fast. Small businesses shouldn't be paying the same as Ford or Nike when deciding to promote posts on Facebook. And Facebook, not exactly hurting for cash presently or anytime soon, should be content with the hundreds, or thousands of dollars smaller businesses will throw their way yearly with a different cost structure, like the one mentioned by Metzger: 
But make no mistake about it. Had Facebook debuted the Promote “option” with a more reasonable rate card that would apply to frequently updated blogs and media outlets—something akin to “book rate” at the post office—we’d have been willing to pay between $7 to $10 a post. Facebook WOULD have made around $2500 to $3000 a month from Dangerous Minds, every month. That’s around $30,000 a year, but apparently the price of a new car is not enough for Facebook to want to cultivate Dangerous Minds as a customer! 
It believe it is true, though, that pulling this 'bait n' switch' on your customers as Zuckerberg has done without sufficient notice or properly disseminated information, is a huge, mind-boggling blunder that is already having unwanted ramifications on a company whose IPO tanked spectacularly. When you have Google+ hot on your tail, what Facebook has done is simply not smart.

Finally, although I have empathy for those small businesses who are now screwed by this new sponsored post deal, I also want to state that even just 8 years ago these same businesses were paying for ads in newspapers, magazines and possibly radio without much complaint as it was simply part of the cost of doing business. The fact that brand page promotion has been mostly free all this time is frankly a miracle. (Again, leaving Big Data out of the equation.)

So, is what Facebook is doing wrong? Partly. Should it be surprising? Not for a publicly traded corporation in a capitalist world. Should small/er business like Dangerous Minds jump ship? No. They might creatively try to provide content that gets spread around without needing to pay simply because their fans love it, and them. There's always a solution, isn't there? 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Twitter Value: Part 1 - Customer Service

I am being asked daily about the 'value of Twitter' and why I bother to use it. Which doesn't surprise me since the top Twitter users are celebrities and comedians who don't really provide much value in my opinion.
I believe that Twitter has provided me with lots of value, therefore I will expand on a few areas in the next three posts and see if I can convince the skeptical crowd.

In the past week, I have again been very pleased with the customer service aspect of Twitter and how it has helped me. It is more immediate, direct and faster on Twitter to connect with brands and companies and their respective customer service reps. Take Cuisinart for example:

While making myself a green smoothie the other day, I realized it's time for a new sealer gasket. I thought, 'Where in all of Toronto am I going to find one?' This being the reason I haven't really bothered to search one out before. Then, of course, I thought, 'Why not tweet Cuisinart and find out?' So, as you can see, I did and was rewarded with an answer within a couple of hours and can now order what I need online with ease.

The same day, I had questions for Downcast, HootSuite and HashTracking, and they all responded well and helpfully. I got what I needed, and fast without having to be put on hold or write a lengthy email and then check my inbox for the next few days for a response. Examples below:

Smart companies and organizations have realized the power of Twitter when it comes to better customer service, and we -as customers- should take advantage of the succinct, quick and easy way that Twitter provides in getting our questions and issues resolved.

I encourage you to try it out for yourself with any customer service issue you currently have and let us know the outcome in the comments below. If you've already had experience(s) using Twitter for customer service with a brand, also let us know.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Learn with Me chat: Oct. 22, 2012

On Monday evening at 8pm EDT, I hosted my first Learn with Me chat! The focus was on Twitter, and along with helping participants learn how to use the platform better and participate in Twitter chats, we also discussed its value in the workplace.

I provided tips on using in order to participate in the chat easily, and I also explained common and useful acronyms. I hope you find them helpful, too. 

There was a nice discussion on why organizations still aren't embracing Twitter and how we might convince them to hop on board. It was nice to have that discussed honestly and take a look at the real value of Twitter, something I'm going to do in my next series of posts. 

Please have a look at the partial transcript on Storify. I have tried to organize all the tips toward the beginning and gathered the focused conversations together as well. 

Join me on Mondays at 8-9pm EDT/EST for Learn with Me - #learnwme - and Let's Learn Social! 

Friday, October 19, 2012

How-To: #Hashtags and Twitter Chats

I have to say that some days I feel like I'm #getting #hashtagged #to #death. It seems like they are being used for anything as a kind of a side comment or sarcastic jab. This can be funny and clever at times, but the overkill is unfortunate.

And yet every week someone asks me, "What's a hashtag, and what's it used for on Twitter?" Well, I had the same question a few years ago, so let's answer it.

When I sought out the answer, I went right to the source: Twitter. And they have a great explanation:
Definition: The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages.
All clear? I wasn't either, so I encourage you to read the rest of that page before going further if you need more clarity. Kelly Clay also gives some good info here and mentions one of the uses I'll be utilizing in a couple of weeks at the annual CSTD Conference:
Using a hashtag is useful for conferences and events to keep all mentions on Twitter about the conference or event searchable and accessible in a stream for those using third-party apps. 
Basically, hashtags help you keep track of conversations centred around certain topics and events. The #FirstWorldProblems being a good example. A hashtag can also help you do research or find like-minded individuals when you combine it with a search on Twitter.

One recent example of how a hashtag on Twitter benefited me was the day of the inaugural 'First Thursdays' event at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO). I neglected to buy my ticket in advance and it was sold out with a rush line that evening. I wanted to go, but I didn't want to head down there just to stand in line for over an hour and then not get in to the party. So, I headed to Twitter, searched for #AGO1st and was able to follow the discussion thread, connect with others attending or waiting in line and eventually decide whether to make the trip down there or not. I did go, got in quickly, and loved the event!

My favourite use of a hashtag is for Twitter chats, which are explained here by Janet Fouts. I have had wonderful discussion via Twitter chats, networked and met great people and learned a lot from them. Using makes it easy, fun and rewarding.

I like Twitter chats so much, in fact, that I'm hosting my own! Please join me and learn with me at #learnwme to discover more about Adult Learning and Development and Social Media! They will be held Mondays from 8 - 9pm EST with the first one happening this Monday, October 22, 2012!

I will begin the #learnwme chats with one that helps those of you who may be Twitter novices. So, this first chat on October 22 will focus on three things to help you learn and practice:

  1. How to participate in a Twitter chat. (I'll be instructing and answering questions as we go along while you practice simultaneously.) 
  2. Why Twitter is a valuable tool worthy of your engagement. 
  3. What some of the most popular Twitter acronyms are and how to use them. 
Please join me and let's have some fun learning together on Twitter! Any questions or comments? Please add them below. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Social Media and Backchannel Learning

When I got my iPhone, one of the very first apps I put on it was Evernote which I still use every single day. It often serves as my own personal Wikipedia of articles and learning. And the iPhone itself has become a tool I rave about because of how it has helped me increase productivity, connect with others and learn new and wonderful things.

Therefore, I am always disappointed when a trainer or facilitator begins their session or workshop with this request: "Please turn off your phones and mobile devices before we get started."

In Dave Kelly's article, Backchannel Learning in an Organizational Setting, he confronts this common occurrence and explains why these trainers and facilitators should stop fighting the technology wave that has already arrived and embrace it instead. And I completely agree.

He writes,
Many teachers, trainers, and presenters have been resisting the use of mobile devices during their sessions. To quote a famous Star Trek line, "Resistance is futile." The influx of smart phones is only going to continue, so resistance only delays the inevitable. It is also shortsighted, as the usage of mobile devices during sessions is not a risk at all; it is an opportunity.
Simply put, learners are now walking into your session carrying the ultimate engagement tool right in their pocket.
He goes on to relate another common occurrence that I personally partake in when attending conferences and workshops - using Social Media platforms during the sessions to relay what is being learned to others not in attendance. I adore Twitter for this reason (among many others). This fantastic interaction is referred to as 'The Backchannel'.

Coming up at the end of this month, I will be tweeting for and from the Canadian Society of Training and Development's 2012 Conference and I can't wait. I, along with many others, will be tweeting the gems we learn for anyone to see via the hashtag, #CSTD2012. As Dave Kelly points out in his article, this backchannel learning is an amazing opportunity despite all the unfortunate resistance to it.
In addition to the content shared by those organizational employees in attendance, non-attendees can also learn from the content shared by everyone else attending the conference. For larger conferences, there could be hundreds of people sharing their learning via the backchannel.
It is in this open sharing that the true power of the backchannel emerges. You can definitely get an understanding of the themes, trends, and concepts being shared at a conference by reviewing the postings of attendees shared through the backchannel.
I embrace and encourage the use of smartphones, Social Media and backchannel learning whenever and wherever possible. How about you? What experiences have you already had and what were the outcomes?
Please leave your comments below.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Facebook How To: Take control of your News Feed

Many of us use Facebook numerous times daily, but don't take advantage of all the settings and customization that is possible. Jay Baer - host of the Social Pros podcast that I listen to - has written an excellent article about taking control of your Facebook News Feed, '3 Ways to Fight Facebook's Algorithm and Customize Your Feed'.

Jay gives some great information before explaining these '3 Ways', to give us an idea of how Facebook's algorithm currently works:

Facebook has altered the math of the game so that only posts that get a disproportionate amount of engagement (likes, clicks, comments, shares) will be seen by a lot of people – regardless of whether those people are fans or friends. This opens up more real estate for Promoted Posts (ads) from companies or people. That’s right, Facebook also (somewhat quietly) announced that they are opening up the option for individuals to buy exposure on a per-post basis. So, if you want even more people to see your cat doing that funny thing, you can spend $7 to make it so.
He then clearly and succinctly (yay!) explains the 3 ways to take control of your News Feed which I've listed below:

1. Change Your News Feed Setting to Most Recent
2. Use Facebook’s Friends Organizer Tool
3. Change Story Preferences For Individuals 
So, I recommend you check out Jay's article and make a stronger effort to see what you want to see on your Feed and/or change it up once in a while to make it more interesting. I've done the changes already. Let me know how you make out.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Yes, Facebook enriches my life

I admit that it often surprises me when I hear people criticize Facebook and exclaim proudly that they would never join. How they don't want to see pictures of their friends' meals or pets and that they want to hold on to their privacy.

I like to see what my friends are cooking and/or eating, as long as it doesn't look like a big hot mess on their plates! My Brazilian friend posted a photo of the white sausages he ate today while on his trip to Germany. Although they don't look appetizing to me, I'm glad he's enjoying his adventure and trying new things abroad.

Now pets? Well, I'm a sucker for a cute dog or cat picture, so no big problem for me there. As you see below, I'm guilty of participating in the 'cats taking over the internet' phenomenon, too.

But let me tell you about how Facebook has actually provided value in my life over the past dozen or so weeks, starting with beer. 

The week of the Toronto Beer Fest in July, I entered a contest posted only on Facebook by a local promoter and won two free passes to the event! I must point out, that craft breweries in Quebec are rocking it!

I have crowd-sourced information about a local internet service provider, been informed of when my favourite coffee -Kicking Horse decaf- went on sale and in which grocery store and thoroughly enjoyed some meaningful debate over Chavez' recent win in Venezuela. And just two days ago a friend posted that he had free tickets available to Cirque du Soleil's current show, Amaluna, which I thankfully snapped up and was again amazed at the talent of the Cirque's performers that evening. 

So, yes, Facebook enriches my life in various and welcome ways. How about you? Share ways Facebook has provided value in your own life below in comments. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Twitter: In the Classroom

On Monday, June 13, 2011, I came across a video on YouTube that basically became my first step into an amazing journey. The video, "The Twitter Experiment - Twitter in the classroom", shows how Dr. Rankin, professor of History at UT Dallas, uses Twitter to great effect with her students. 

I remember when I first watched this, sitting in my desk chair in amazement. I marvelled at her creativity, ingenuity and ability to engage her students with the content in a way they enjoyed and enhanced their learning and retention. Brilliant. 

Since then, I've been researching, planning and developing ways in which Social Media platforms like Twitter and increasingly ubiquitous devices like the iPhone can create amazing learning opportunities for adults. 

So, come and join me on this incredibly exciting journey! Take a look at where I took my first step....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How To: Follow/Unfollow Posts on Facebook

I'm on Facebook a lot and my list of friends grows weekly. It's a Social Media platform I really like to engage with and engage with others worldwide who also use it. However, the more you use it, the more notifications can pile up regarding every and any thing you've ever 'liked' and/or commented on from your friends' posts.

This can sometimes be overwhelming and frankly annoying. Many of the photos or posts I comment on are just 'one-offs' for me - I don't need to see who else liked them or commented on them, and I certainly don't want to be notified every time they do. Sound familiar?

Here's what you do:

1) Click on the notification that is informing you of someone else's interaction with a friend's post. For example: 'Jamie Good likes your comment....' This will take you to where you originally commented or 'liked'.

2) See 3 choices-as shown in the image below: Like, Comment, Unfollow post.

3) Click on 'Unfollow post', and you will no longer receive notifications from this post or posted photo making your notifications list much shorter and less bothersome. 

I hope that helps. Please leave any comments below. Thanks. 

The Power of Pinterest

I am a huge fan of podcasts. I listen to a variety of them everyday, and one of my favourites is the Social Media for Small Business podcast out of Australia. Hosted by Cat Matson and Suzi Dafnis, it features wonderful interviews and commentary regarding all things Social Media.

Today, while making my homemade hummus, I listened to their interview with Liz Lynch who talked about smart networking and how Social Media can leverage your network on and offline. She gave some great tips and advice that I certainly appreciated.

At the beginning of every podcast episode, Cat and Suzi discuss recent news that has caught their attention in the Social Media universe. This fantastic article, 'How Pinterest and a single blog post completely changed a company', was mentioned for good reason.

The author, Andre Bourque, writes about Lindsay -the Country Girl- and the effect of her blog post

Lindsay’s blog post picture was pinned to Pinterest, and then re-pinned over and over. 
Someone mentioned that the rod she posted could be purchased at Rod Works. A veritable crisis arose, and the company had to react. Rod Works was literally bombarded by Pinterest users, and forced into opening their online store in February 2012.

Read more at 

In agreement with the hosts of the podcast, I think this is an excellent story of success brought about by a Social Media platform, Pinterest. It's truly amazing and encouraging to see how these tools can bring about positive change in so many unexpected ways. 

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Learn by doing

A lot of us learn by doing. We will read the manual, watch the YouTube video and listen as our friend explains where to click and how to post, but it sinks in once we do it ourselves.

I remember a few years back when I stared at my screen wondering what to do. It was the Twitter homepage and I wasn't really sure why I was there. People kept saying it was mostly about what others had for breakfast anyway, so why was I bothering? And I held out on joining Facebook for about 2 years before jumping into the news feed black hole.

Now, obviously, it's a different story, a different engagement and a purposeful approach. What I have learned by jumping into Social and by just doing it is that I have learned. I have connected and collaborated, and I have grown.

I want you to learn, to grow and to connect like I have. I'd like us to collaborate and learn together, because discovery is much more enjoyable in the company of other great and curious people. So, stick around and Let's Learn Social.