Monday, November 19, 2012

#learnwme chat - Nov. 19, 2012 - The Backchannel

Tonight, November 19, 2012, my Learn with Me chat will focus on the subject of backchannel communication via Twitter. At most events and conferences these days, attendees are tweeting what is taking place, being said and learned and this is known as backchannel communication. For more information about this growing use of Twitter, check my earlier post here.

Along with participants' questions and input, we'll be focusing on the following tonight:

  1. What content is best suited for the backchannel via Twitter? 
  2. How can the use of the backchannel aid Learning and Development? How can it hinder it?  
  3. What are some best practices that can be applied to make the most of backchannel learning opportunities? 

Use the hashtag: #learnwme, and I recommend using to make participating in the chat easier and smoother. It starts at 8pm EST every Monday. Come learn, network and enjoy!

Update: Here's the Storify link that holds the partial transcript from this week's chat. Thanks for reading! 

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